No Worries

This journey with cancer offered the potential of deep transformation, even initiation. To open to these gifts it would be essential to walk this journey with clarity, intention, and grounding – yet that would all be thwarted if I wasn’t able to first deal with the fear of it. In all the reading and research we did there was the underlying counsel to step around the energy of fear which releases toxins in the body and plays havoc with mind and emotion. worryingAs my oncologist and many others noted, the right mind set and emotional peace would be 50% of my healing. It’s not that fear would not be present, for there was and always will be the specter of anxiety. So my first step in finding a right relationship with cancer was coming to terms with my relationship with fear.

When I saw this facebook post I knew it would become one of my mantras for this journey. So simple…and so powerful. Good for a cancer diagnosis…and life in general.


So many would shake their heads and wonder aloud why bad things happen to good people. Yet at some level we are all good people. And ‘good’ or ‘bad’ are so very subjective – subject to the stories we create about our lives and life events.

Last fall, even before the official diagnosis, I knew I had breast cancer. My beloved ireland-cavehusband of forty years says we went to ground. I tell people we went to the cave. It was not lost on us that this was happening as the Earth slipped into the energy of winter. An energy of releasing and shedding old life to make way for new life. The energy of introspection and dreaming a new future.

For those who follow this blog or even the occasional visitor it would become obvious that writing was an activity left outside the cave. I was clear that I did not want to turn this blog site into a journal of my journey with cancer and writing about anything else seemed irrelevant.

Now, as I count down the days until I leave for Ireland, it is right time to pick up the writing New blossomsagain. Now there is a new future and in the energy of spring there is new blossoming. With surgery I am now cancer free and blessedly not engaged in the poisons of chemo or radiation. And while I will not be writing about the cancer I will be writing about the amazing journey of healing. A journey of profound initiation and transformation. A journey of deep Earth and spirit connection. A journey with the Tuatha Dé who were ever present and, as my spiritual teacher observed, are very powerful healers. Indeed.

So. Thank you for your grace and your patience. I will be attending your many comments in the coming days. And sharing stories….for this is a good story.