Stillpoint. What’s The Point?

January 15, 2022


Of course the answer would be different for everyone. For some it clears the chatter of the monkey mind. For some it’s an escape from the accelerating pace of life in these times, an escape from the overwhelming tsunami of distractions and information. Just relaxing into a place of peace is a great reason for finding the stillpoint.

All of this is true for me. But there is much more. Within that space of peace and quiet and stillness, there is the invitation to sacred communion. There is the invitation to listen for the wisdom that comes from other worlds and realms, wisdom of the Earth and the Seven Nations, wisdom of the ancestors, wisdom of my biological ancestry, wisdom I hold and have long forgotten or ignored.

While this wisdom can come during a quiet time of meditation and reflection, it can also arrive at any moment. When wisdom lands as a deep knowing it reflects the intelligence of the subconscious. It speaks the language of the soul. It is intuition. It is sacred communion.

Intuition is commonly defined as the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. And because we so value conscious reasoning we are quick to disregard intuition as something not to be trusted. Yet when we trust and honor our intuition it enhances our sacred communion. When we don’t, that sacred relationship is diminished.

In the rhythm of this winter season in the northern hemisphere, I’ve spent the last several weeks in what I call cave time. A time to escape from the hectic noise of life. A time to be quiet and listen. As I now begin to emerge from the cave, I find my sacred communion is stronger and a stronger presence in my life. My intuitive senses are more alive. The wisdom is flowing through.

And that’s the point.

Judith –

2 thoughts on “Stillpoint. What’s The Point?

  1. The notion of “cave time” is appealing. And I simply like it. Ridding myself of distractions is hard to do these days. But when I do and feel content about it, there is a stillpoint. I appreciate very much you’re writing about this (stillpoint) as practice or discipline.

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