It Doesn’t Really Matter

I recently commented to friends that it doesn’t really matter who gets elected in November. As you might imagine this elicited strong reactions before I was able to finish my thought that it doesn’t really matter because if Trump is elected, those who hold the values aligned Clinton Trumpwith his message will be emboldened and the rhetoric and actions of divisive hatred will escalate. If Hillary wins, that hatred will not vanish and there is danger in any complacent thinking that it might. As I try to climb out of my shock and horror that so many Americans are buying this hateful agenda – now codified as the RNC platform – I realize we have work to do regardless the outcome in November. Watching the dysfunction in our nation’s capitol, I realize we cannot rely on those folks to negotiate needed policy changes let alone navigate the real work that is in front of us.

We must rely on ourselves. We must take back the power we hold as creative, intelligent people of passion and compassion. We must privately and publically assert and demonstrate the values we hold of love and peace and social justice. Of the all the memes and messages that come streaming through the media, I am most heartened by those that shine a light on actions of love and compassion. Perhaps it’s time to make that light brighter. Perhaps it’s time to create more of those actions. Individually and collectively. What might be possible if this consciousness swept through our lives, our families, and our communities as a fresh wind of hope and change?

So. Some might comment that my blog posts are generally related to all things Irish and might question how this relates to Ireland. Well, my friends, like others around the world they are holding their collective breath to see what this nation is truly made of. To see if there is the power and courage to stand in and stand for the principles, values, and truths we have so long declared to be self evident.

I know we can do this. For this is what really matters now.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Judith –

2 thoughts on “It Doesn’t Really Matter

  1. I disagree with you. If the thought of Trump as President doesn’t scare you to the bone….his close minded, dark, nationalistic, egomaniac, mysoginistic, totally racist, fear mongering is completely a potential apocalypse. Yes there will be somethings lurking under the surface with Hillary that of course are far from perfect…but if you somehow just draw a thin line between the two instead of a fully ruptured Andreas Fault you are seriously in error and don’t fully understand the consequences of a Trump presidency. I voted for Bernie, but now fully for Hillary!!!! You sound like the media saying there are chunks of Bernie fans not willing to support Hillary..on the fence….anyone who can’t see the broad differences between black and white… “It doesn’t matter who wins ” such a terrible statement. Trust me it will matter…anyone who says it doesn’t matter and doesn’t vote …. Not even a vote against Trump just opens the door to disaster……

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