Waiting & Faith

May 3, 2024


Practice faith
Mukanda Dawe


We are all storytellers. And sometimes the power of a story is in the timing of the telling as much as the content. Knowing when it’s right time. For a story is shaped by both. I can’t remember when I’ve let a story gestate for this long. And now, finally, it is right time for the telling. 

There are actually two stories. Both have been gestating for these past many months. And yes, many of you have noted that I haven’t been writing as much. No. I’ve been waiting. 

So let’s start with this story. And, spoiler alert, it has a happy ending.

It started in Ireland a year ago. For three months we assumed it was a urinary tract infection and treated it with four increasingly powerful courses of antibiotics. They didn’t work. It wasn’t an infection. In August I was diagnosed with bladder cancer. Although the cancer wasn’t confirmed with a biopsy until December, as soon as the tumor was discovered I started an aggressive protocol of cannabinoid medicine, healings from my spiritual teacher and sacred sisters, and faith. My spiritual teacher counseled me to practice faith, and in that I found a deep knowing that this would be the story I would eventually share. Yes, it’s a grim diagnosis. But the story I now share with you is one of two blood tests for the presence of cancer, both showing no sign of cancer at all, and a pelvic scan from which the radiologist wrote that findings favor a positive treatment response and it is indeterminate if there is any residual viable tumor. 

Miracle? Some have used that word. As you might imagine, my doctors are amazed since I chose not to engage in the chemo, radiation, and surgical protocols that were assumed to be a foregone conclusion. But ‘miracle’ doesn’t land exactly right for me because it often implies something amazing happening rather out of the blue. And while this is amazing, I have claimed more agency in this healing journey than that word would suggest. Yes. I admit it’s been a rollercoaster ride and there were more than a few tough days. But now the story is one of healing. And faith. The story I’ve been waiting to share. A story I’ve only recently begun to share with my family and friends as cancer is a hair on fire diagnosis and I knew it was essential to keep the energies of fear and anxiety out of my field. 

Yes. I appreciate that this is a lot to share in one blog post. And while I have no intention that this will be, as they say, one and done, what I write about this cancer journey going forward will focus on the life affirming gifts and insights I’ve received. For there have been many. 

And that brings me to the second story, one that has also been emerging in these last months and which is also life affirming. It’s the bigger story. While the vision and knowing of it continues to become clear, it’s right time to begin sharing this story as well.

Even in my darker days, there was a blinding light of clarity about my sacred purpose, my life purpose. The focus and intention of my spiritual journey were both affirmed and amplified. It was the greatest gift and insight I would receive and I hold such deep gratitude that with this healing I am able to fully embrace this amplification. 

I’ve written a bit in past blog posts about the shifts and changes in the sacred work and gatherings in Ireland. Now the power and potency of those experiences has increased exponentially. The sacred ceremony with my spiritual teacher at the Ancestral Wisdom Portal at the cottage just weeks ago was beyond anything I could ever have imagined. I’m still vibrating. I’m still processing and integrating. The nature of the energy in Ireland is unfolding in power and beauty and harmony as never before. And there is now an amazing sacred sisterhood forging a brilliant and global light with this energy. 

Now, after this time of waiting and with the inspiration of faith, I’m excited to share more in future blog posts.


15 thoughts on “Waiting & Faith

  1. Your stories are deeply moving and I appreciate your sharing this journey. May you be guided. May you be protected. May your every day be filled with purpose and light.

  2. I woke up this morning thinking about you, wondering how you were, and here you are. Your story is deeply moving to me, particularly the happy ending, but also the the strength and clarity you have about your purpose and your work. Sending you love, every day, and gratitude for the work you are doing for the world and your impact on me.

  3. WOW! You are amazing dear Sister!! I am thankful for the positive outcome, your commitment and inspiration! You are reaping!!💕Billie Butterfly

  4. Hi Judith,

    I like the Biblical definition of Faith: the confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

    Death will come for us all eventually, do you have faith in the only one who conquered death?
    Do you believe we can find our own way out of the madness and chaos of this physical realm ourselves even though we created the madness and chaos?
    Do you believe there is hidden or lost wisdom and knowledge that our ancestors once possessed that can set us free?
    I once believed those things, I was blinded by that blinding false light telling me that we can spiritually evolve or transcend the mess we made.
    I know now I was lost, and the harder I tried to pave my own way the more lost I became.
    That’s why the Gospel means good news. We are lost because of our rebellion against God ( perfect Truth and Love), our Sin, we chose to make a god in our own image, but the Good shepherd has bridged the gap that we could never cross, he has paid the price that we could never pay, I say put your your Faith in him and you will have a hope beyond any thing you can ever dream up yourself.
    May God Bless you Judith

  5. I am so happy that you have conquered the cancer. I look forward to more stories of your connections with the ancient wisdom we have forgotten. Ihope humans can find a way to understand that the Earth is the garden of Eden and that we are all interconnected. As we destroy the planet, we destroy ourselves. So sad.



    • Hey Carol! So great to hear from you. Thank you. And yes, there will be more stories about ancient wisdom. Many more stories. The Earth is our Mother!!!! Much love!

  6. Thank you for sharing this in strength, Judith. The Myss quote is perfect and the image captures the spirit of the message so beautifully. A beacon indeed. Your ability to hold space for yourself and others through this journey is inspiring. Wishing you continuing good health in the many years ahead of you.

    Much love,


  7. Thank you for sharing and inspiring. I think it is the hardest thing to be grounded in this kind of crises. You have done it!

  8. Well, I’m delighted. I agree that miracle sounds too distant for an explanation. And besides, and more importantly, specific things were done and a process was realized. I’m grateful to you, to those who both worked with you and loved you, and certain forces from the essences of land and air–all spirits taking part.

  9. So grateful to hear of your inspiring response to cancer and its encouraging outcome. You are indeed the picture of faith in action! Continued blessings, my friend.

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