The Real Questions

Eire fuscias osho quote


Great question. There are so many great questions in life. Wandering the fuchsia lined lanes and sacred landscapes in Ireland is an excellent way to contemplate them and open to the soul’s answers. And now this wandering is only days away. Delicious.

Judith – 

3 thoughts on “The Real Questions

  1. Travel safe, travel well.
    Travel IS the only thing we can buy that makes us richer.

    Love you.


  2. May you know heart joy as you travel again. I will be returning to Ontario, Canada, and doing some caretaking with/for my partner William.

    He (at 92) may outlive me (at 74). My caretaking days are coming to a close. He is well placed.. I can hand him over to his family, who seem to have learned how to take on that role. if I am willing to let him go… My heart hurts at the thought.. but I live in California. My heart has always know I could not remain there.

    And, I truly want to finish creating a space for me in San Luis Obispo County, California. Finish “moving in”; create community; create or find sacred space; slow down.

    And, I want to accompany you on a trip to Ireland. My calendar for 2015 is pretty full, and so is yours. Remember me as you add to your schedule.

    And take good care of yourself.

    Barbara (aka, TrainRyder; aka BrisaFey)

    Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 20:43:43 +0000 To:

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